Saturday, July 31, 2021

There is now more light in the bedroom!

Today started off quietly with a fairly unhealthy breakfast of donuts and coffee. It is, however, the American way. The only way to be more American would be to eat Cheerios doused in Bud Light while wearing a baseball cap!
It was pretty hot today with a temperature of about 98F so I wasn't too eager to get out to the bus to work, given that the extraction fans are turned off. When they're on, the excessive heat becomes bearable as the air is moving and moving at quite a lick.

Going out, the first thing to be seen was a dragonfly. It's a shame this fine example didn't like me to get too close. 

So, I went to the bus with the intention of sorting out the horn and completing installation of the lighting wiring started yesterday. Again, sweat began to drip off me onto the floor and my arms were covered in a glossy sheen of perspiration. 
Eventually, after about 30 minutes the light was working and working off the same fuse as the other light. Both are BA15 mount bulbs but I switched the halogen bulb for an LED bulb from eBay. I don't think those LED things are very bright at all.

After that I was pretty exhausted with the heat and all the sweating I'd been doing. I had briefly turned the fans on but really needed to have put extra solar panels out to power them. My next task would have been to work on the horn. In order to access the horn I would have had to clear a way to the driver's seat and that was a pretty daunting task, to be honest. I balked on that for today. I had already balked on working on the main brake line.

It began to bucket down with rain. That was accompanied by thunder and lightning and a welcome reduction in the temperature. Going out to the bus after I checked to see if the leaks were still present around the lights and discovered it's not the lights that are leaking now - it's a roof seam. It is, of course, a seam I have not yet worked on. There are definitely two and possibly 3 roof seams as yet untouched. I will have to work on all of them. No point in being half-assed though with these temperatures I'm unlikely to be able to do more than one a day. In the case of the back, one seam is very close to a possible seam so it'd make sense to do both simultaneously. That'll involve another tube of seam sealant or possibly two. I will nail these leaks!

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