

Sunday, September 12, 2021

No cement yet but two projects were worked on.

Project one for work today was to go over the windshields with a paint scraper. I have to say that they're probably cleaner on the outside than they are inside now. The first thing was to spray lightly with paint remover just to soften the paint then it was a case of scraping followed by wiping down with paper towels. 

The end result is that the windows look better but there's probably another session to be done. It won't be long before that glass is up for renewal anyway. There are chips galore and the edges are clearly delaminating.

As I was up on the roof, I peeled the tape off the newly installed roof vent. Then I emptied a watering can down it and made a right old mess inside. Fortunately it's hot so it all dried in a couple of hours. 
I had been expecting seepage since the water was flooding out of the weep holes in the vent. My thought is that the weep holes might be too small. I'll have to wait and see. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are supposed to be rainy days. I'll put a funnel under the vent inside the bus and a length of tube from that to a 2 liter bottle. If it rains heavily and water accumulates in the bottle then I'll know I need to put a roof over the vent or perhaps change the vent out.
Meanwhile the two high-dome convex mirrors I bought have not fared well. It's not spray paint on them. It's some kind of reaction with the grey Walmart bags that I had covering them for a few weeks while I was painting the bus. This is rather disappointing to be honest.

In other news I did discover an actual computer that will charge off the power from a USB socket. It has to be a 3A USB3 socket but it will charge. The only problem is that the computers concerned are Chromebooks. They're great if all you want to do is send email, browse the web etc but for anything else, they're horrible. Great for couch surfers but not practical in the real world. I'm currently investigating how to remove ChromeOS from them and replace it with a standard Linux operating system. They have possibilities.

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