

Sunday, May 23, 2021

A hundred and one degrees farenheit and I was on the roof!

Yesterday I had to take a break from work on the bus because I had to take my car in to the dealer for a repair. One of the cam shaft sensors had gone out. That meant that it was prone to stalling while I was driving - decidedly inconvenient and potentially dangerous.

While I was waiting for my car to be repaired I chanced upon an interior-exterior thermometer in Tractor Supply. Today I remembered I'd bought it and put it to use. High temperatures had been forecast and here they are - a hundred and one degrees Fahrenheit or 38 centigrade. Now you can see why I painted the roof white the other day!
Yesterday I'd been along the sides of the bus, removing old silicone caulk from two seams. I had wanted to do all four of the seams that I knew needed work but yesterday I was tired from spending hours at the dealership so all I did were both ends of two seams.
Today though, in 101F I climbed on the roof. It needs another coat of white paint as some of the grey is showing through. That's no problem though. But I went along one seam and removed the loose caulk, most of which was sitting on rust and so pulled up very easily. It might have been faster if I'd pulled the caulk off both seams and wire brushed both seams them brushed the copious dust off, sprayed rust reforming primer (love that stuff) on both and done the whole thing near twice as fast.

Being very hot it was probably best that I cleaned one seam, sprayed with rust reformer then went inside for half an hour before coming out to put Dynatron caulk in place then going inside for half an hour then spraying grey primer on the now paintable caulk. I went through that process twice - once for each seam before sweeping all the dust off the roof and spraying white paint over the grey primer. 

Having done all that I went around the edges again, sweeping them clear then spraying the ends of the seams that I had done yesterday. 

Next weekend is a three day weekend so I'll try to get both of the other seams completed. There are two further seams after that - one is already treated from a week or two back. The other doesn't leak. So the plan is to hit the two that leak then the next day to replace the roof vent. Whether that will need a collar or not, I do not know. I hope the rivet holes will line up nicely. Having done and caulked that it will be time to wipe the whole roof down with mineral spirits and put a final coat of white paint.

If there's any time left after that lot then the front and rear marker lights will be worked on - maybe the top side markers too. Following that, the other lights will need attention and then the high-visibility marker tape will be applied. Again, the area where the tape will go will have to be wiped down with mineral spirits to make sure it's really clean. 

The next stage after that will be fixing the rest of the brake lines. The tires are down to 75-85psi so they all need air. They all need replacement too since they're 11 years old. Then there's the wiper mount that needs to be redone and the horn needs a proper diagnosis. Other than that there are the window covers. I have two already and I need to order more. Those should cut down greatly on heat.

Plenty distance to go.

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