

Monday, June 25, 2018

Interesting solar panel comparisons

As most of my readers know, my bus/motorhome has solar panels. I have two portable panels and three secured panels. They’re different. The front solar panel is black and is an Amorphous silicone panel.
The Amorphous panels seem to work better in low light but take up more room than the crystalline panels.
The crystalline panels such as this tend to produce more power in a smaller space but they need higher light levels in order to perform. In terms of longevity the crystalline panels last longer but the amount of power produced in low light levels for example cloudy days is perhaps not as good as the less efficient Amorphous panels.
In other news, today I got on with completing the wiring at the front of the bus. It all seems to work. Now I can feed solar power in through an internal or an external source and can feed the bus driving battery from an internal solar panel. Having said that I still have to make the underbus connections.

Still remaining to do on the 12v system is putting the wiring for the door controller in the right place and installing a rear solar input. I have all but the wire for the rear solar input. That means a trip to the hardware store at some point. Then I can get on with cleaning and tidying, sorting and so on.

My first trip with the bus is booked. It’s going to be in early September to a schoolbus meet near Edisto Island (yes, it is on land but I wouldn’t put it past people trying to push me in the sea). I’m looking forward to it!

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