

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Radio Shack is closing - woe is me!

The not terribly unexpected news that Radio Shack is closing arrived by pigeon post a few days ago. If anything, it proves the recession is still rumbling onward. It's an echo of the closures of Ritz, Circuit City and others. Normally I would not even think twice about Radio Shack because it's expensive and doesn't actually carry anything terribly useful - aside from the minuscule electronics section. Now there I might find some blade fuse holders. Those, of course, I will be using on the bus.

The plan is to wire in the following electrics via a brand new fuse box so that I don't have to figure out what the Hell Carpenter did with their wiring.
1. Charger socket for my cellphone.
2. Power socket for my GPS.
3. Power socket for a reversing camera & screen
4. Power socket for a front facing camera to record as evidence the stupid driving of others just in case I need to use it in my defence.
5. Power socket for a CB radio.

A wise person told me it's easier to do my own wiring than to figure out somebody else's and thus, this is the plan. The backup camera arrived today and will be the first thing wired into the system. The next will be a reversing horn.

Plans for the weekend include building the bathroom, checking the engine oil, getting fuel since the price is beginning to rise, taking the bus to get some locks fitted and fitting the reversing camera, even if the electrical bits aren't completed in time.

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