

Why no LinkedIn page?

Yesterday I was asked why I don't post my updates on LinkedIn. The answer to that is fairly complex...

  • LinkedIn is a resume scamming website and nothing more. It's where the easily impressed will post their resumes that can then be scanned by all the identity thieves and other villains.
  • LinkedIn is a male pissing contest - no more, no less where they all post about getting up at 5am to crush it in the gym. 
  • LinkedIn is a popularity contest where follower counts matter and where the aim is to get the follower count as high as possible.
  • All the while you're on LinkedIn, you're battered by bragverts where people claim to have done the most ludicrous things and then company adverts. Then there are the recruitment agencies whose aim is to get your referrees off you in order to sell their services ro your referees.
A while back I had a LinkedIn account. Somebody objected to my having a bus photo instead of a head and shoulders photo. Why should I have a picture of myself on the site? Why is it important? It's just another random website that makes grandiose claims (as they all do). Then I was denied access unless I sent this random website (LinkedIn) copies of my state IDs etc. I would never willingly pass over personal information online such as that.

I fail to see any upside to LinkedIn - only downsides. I'm not the only one. Check these sites out too...

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